Treat and Maintaining Healthy Skin

Treat and Maintaining Healthy Skin
The skin is the body part most important to support the appearance of a person. So important is this one part of the body that makes a lot of people who do everything they can to keep her health. In fact they are willing to spend up to tens of millions of rupiah in order to obtain a healthy skin appearance. In fact, if they want a bit of learning, they do not need to pour a lot of money to do plastic surgery or other treatment.

Treat and Maintaining Healthy Skin

How to? Here I will give tips for health care for the skin to stay bright and healthy.

1. Drink a lot of water

Water is a natural resource that is capable of delivering millions of benefit to living beings. One of the most prominent benefit is to maintain healthy skin. By drinking water, you will avoid the stress of the skin. In addition to avoiding stress skin, white water also can prevent you from wrinkles. A minimal amount of water you should consume each day is 8 glasses. How to drink it was not the original drink. You have to drink it little by little to make it more durable in the body.

2. Perform Routine Maintenance

Air pollution makes your skin becomes dry and dull. That's why you need to cleanse your skin to keep it looking clean and fresh. Wash your face at least 3 times a day. This is important because air pollution is one of the causes of acne. For that diligent washing face and bath 2 times in one day.

3. Using Natural Mask

To prevent the skin from acne, use a mask of young corn. To avoid dull face, use a cucumber mask and to avoid acne scars, you can use a mask of lemon.

4. Enough sleep

Maintaining healthy skin is to arrange a time to sleep properly. According to the study, someone less sleep will become dull skin, wrinkles and uneven skin color. Therefore, for those of you who want a healthy and supple skin, you have to set the sleep time. Standart sleep time in a 24 hour period is 7 hours. In 7 of these hours, the skin will regenerate so the next day you will look fresher.

5. Avoid Foods Containing Sugar

The final step to maintaining healthy skin is to avoid foods that contain lots of sugar. According to the study, foods containing sugar is too high will cause the collagen and elastin damage. If it is so, your skin will be wrinkled and sagging. That's why limit consumption of sugar in order to keep your skin fresh and healthy. Replace foods that contain a lot of sugar to fruit and vegetables. The thing you have to do because fruits and vegetables are a source of food that contains vitamins and minerals that are very good for skin health.

Maybe that ways to maintain the health of your skin. Some ways that you can apply to maintain healthy skin. by means of the above, it is evident that not only skin care can be done by people who have a lot of money. Good luck !

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